Meditation Demystified - Part 2

Before I knew what nirvana means I was sure it was some enlightened state, or something very similar and close to it. You know, something like a big bang! However nirvana simply means the termination of fire. Yes, nirvana, plainly put is something very similar to a shutdown button.
The question is how do we reach this button, and what does it mean to click it. The problem is this, while it’s possible to click that shut down button of ours, it’s very difficult to reach it. However, I have good news for us all, there are many other smaller shut down buttons which any of us can click right now! All in the way to the great great shutdown button we are looking for!
You see, you can turn off a light, turn off your computer, turn off the electricity of your house, turn of the electricity of a city or turn off all light. Alternatively if you ever played any computer game, there are levels, and usually you get better from level to level. You can’t just solve right away level 49! first you must go through level 1 then level 2 and so on; and you know while at first it seems impossible to reach level 49, everyone can reach level 1, and whoever continues persistently on this game has high chances. Actually, almost everyone is capable of reaching level 49 with some persistence.
What is level 1, level 1 is just not thinking for a few seconds. All of us can do this. Each level involves more and more seconds which are invested in… nothing! Imagine this. Guess what it doesn't mean you have to sit cross legs with some kind of weird clothes, all you need is to click these small shut down button which is very very easy.
So, let’s have a practical exercise for you to try out until the next post. Next time you sit in a cafe, drinking some nice coffee, look at the people around, look at the trees outside, look at people, cats, small plants. Just look. Soon you will realize you have never really looked! it’s as if there is a big glass between you and the word, and no-one cared to clean up this glass, now is the time to start cleaning it. This big glass was the voice inside you speaking, but as you look around, and let this voice continue with his own business, this voice will start to shut down. Yes that is the very same shut down button we have talked about.
If you try that cafe experiment out you will see, that, you never saw! and this is only the beginning, a whole new word of trees, people, cats, animals, buildings, air, smells, will be uncovered. This whole new world was always around you, but now, you begin to see it. Do you know what it is? it is the cosmos, yes, the cosmos was always there we just didn’t care to look at it in it’s eyes. So next time you sit in a cafe when you drink a coffee — just drink your coffee don’t do other things, just drink it, look, hear, smell, it’s enough, you see it’s not that hard!
Follow me to get additional parts of this series which i’m writing just now. Continue reading Meditation Demystified Part 3 of this series.


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