Meditation Demystified - Part 3 - A Brief Introduction To “The Self”
In part 2 of this series we discussed how to correctly see what a nirvana state is, in addition, we started adapting our mind to think of a good meditative state as a shutdown operation. In this part we are going to examine a little bit what is called “the self”. We are only beginning with this subject and are going to continue with it in next parts, see this part as an “introduction to the self”.
Selfie is the culmination of the unmindful culture. The problem with selfie is not what it is, it is just a picture of you taken by you. The problem with selfie is that when you take a pic of yourself with this weird expression on your face you capture the most unmindful picture of yourself you could ever take.
You see the self in the selfie is, the self which wants things, the self which is unaware of it’s surrounding is the root of all your problems. If you want to get rid of any of your problems, that is any, you should disconnect from this self.
The self wakes up in the morning, goes to work, get’s back, spends some money on some things, mostly unneeded stuff, and then, the next day goes to work only to make money so he can buy even more of those unnecessary things, which unmindful society and family brings him to buy. Allow me to say that if you were aware of yourself, of your real self, not your selfie, but yourself, you would not need to go to work. The only reason of a self aware person to do go to work is when he goes there for pleasure and not for money. To summarize that in one sentence — “When you work — Work!”
Going to work for the pleasure of it and not for the money, can be considered in some cases, a meditative process. If when you work, you manage to be immersed in the process you are, be fully attended, alert, to the process you are doing, then not only you do a good job, but you also meditate.
When you are in this state, when you get back to home, you don’t feel the urge to open up TV, purchase unnecessary stuff, or take a selfie, in this state there is no need. Once there is no need there is completeness, and, completeness is a good thing.
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